Finally in austin! Wonder how many twitter updates just got sent from this plane.. »
The year is 2007 and Iridesco figures that someone in this design and technology company should head down to Texas and check see what this SXSW Interactive thing is all about. After a fierce game of rock-paper-scissors, I had been chosen to go to ol’ Austin.
So if you too find yourself in Austin, TX this coming weekend and the few days into next week, feel free to drop me an email (danny at iridesco . com) if you want to have a drink, shoot the breeze, talk shop, and eat some fine BBQ. »
If there’s one thing I learned from SlideShowPro, it’s that I truly enjoy designing and developing tangible products. Client / service work has its advantages, but there’s something to be said for pouring all your heart and mind into a product people use and enjoy. It’s the most satisfying work I’ve ever done.
Well said and kudos to Todd Dominey on making the shift. We look forward to seeing what he puts out next. »
LINK Local forums »
on the Brooklynian. Looks very active.
LINK Wilco's semi-secret world premiere listening party »
Starting tonight at 10pm central. (via Shawn)
LINK Ira Glass on Storytelling »
Four videos featuring the host of This American Life, one of the best radio shows ever. (via. Kottke)
Amidst all the busy-ness, I took some time out a few weeks ago to answer some questions for a publication called AsiaConnect. In the profile, I discuss some of our upcoming plans and talk a bit about the Iridesco story so far. Read the article. »
WATERCOOLER Recent InspirationIt’s been busy times here at Iridesco. We’re working on a slew of projects and all the while giving lots of love to our products. Despite all that working, I’ve been excited lately. There’s been a lot of great content floating around the web and it just fuels the development of our ideas and products. Here’s a brief run-down of what’s been inspirational:
- Video of Skinnycorp the founders at CommunityNext – These guys are not just funny on stage, they look like they have genuine fun while working on things they enjoy. Not just about the money (though they do very well), their business revolves around creating great culture and customer relationships. If that video wasn’t enough for you, 37Signals just posted a Fireside chat with Skinnycorp and ConnectedVentures/Vimeo (a great company doing cool stuff here in NYC).
- Founders at Work – This book contains stories of mishaps and successes for companies you may have heard of before (Paypal, HotOrNot, Viaweb, Fogcreek, and others). The interviews are for the most part insightful and engaging to read–particularly if you are familiar with these companies today. Highly recommended.
- Pipes – This latest experiment from Yahoo! is doing something we’ve been talking about implementing for SuprGlu. It’s a flexible RSS aggregator / mash-up creator that’s got a lot of possibilities. I was able to create a blended feed of my various generated content in no time (kind of like connecting circuits), and having a large company like Yahoo! take on the taxing problem of crawling the web allows its users to focus on coming up with value with the provided functionality. I see lots of potential here.
LINK Worst Parking in the City is in Park Slope »
I live in the next neighborhood over and parking is just as bad. So I decided to sell my car last month and simplify. I’m still getting used to the feeling of walking out the door and not thinking, “do I have to move the car today?”
Pillowfight @ Union Square. ?
I ordered a couple boxes full of carrots and other fruit/vegetables from FreshDirect to feed my kick-ass juicer.
LINK Russell Peters Videos »
Quality comedy.
LINK Project Triangle »
Three factors constrain every project. You can only pick two to control.
LINK The 'secret' behind The Secret »
The Secret is a movie about an idea called the “law of attraction.” I’ve watched it and like the basic ideas presented, but found the cheesy dramatizations a bit much to handle at times. The movie is a #1 seller on the Amazon DVD chart and has spread lik
LINK D - E - F - I - N - I - T - E - L - Y »
Finally, someone spells it out once and for all.
LINK Balance and Simplicity »
“We need more simplicity - more understanding and ease of use - while at the same time maintaining the value (and delight) that can be found in a complex world.” Well said by D. Keith Robinson.
Howard Rubenstein, P.R. man. »
- Charles Darwin »
LINK Seven steps to remarkable customer service »
Thoughts on delivering great customer service by Joel on Software.
LINK Of 'Office' Emmy Cheers and Acting Careers »
Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam in The Office, talks about how she got into acting and ultimately the role on the hit TV show.
LINK 1-click Award »
Too bad I can’t read any of this, but I have to hand it to the Japanese creatives at work for this one..
LINK James Hong: On Having Balls, Part II: Staying Hungry »
One of the best articles I’ve read touching on entrepreneurship and human psychology.
LINK Software is hard »
“Salon’s Scott Rosenberg explains why even small-scale programming projects can take years to complete, one programmer is often better than two, and the meaning of “Rosenberg’s Law.”“
Airplane window shutters are made of cheap plastic pieces. This window by my seat was squeezed into place by a maintenance crew member as we waited to sit.
LINK Here Comes Trouble »
An article on the duo behind Kazaa, Skype, and now Joost.
LINK iConcertCal »
A brilliant iTunes plug-in which shows you local, upcoming concerts for bands in your iTunes library.