Wednesday January 31, 2007
Friday January 26, 2007

LINK the latest rad looking journals
from the five and a half crew!

Thursday January 25, 2007
WATERCOOLER k750i + MacBook

A few days ago, a friend mentioned using his Sony Ericsson phone as the modem to connect his MacBook to the Internet. The thought of being able to hop on the Internet at an Internet-less cafe or airport was appealing, so I took a look at getting that set up for my Sony Ericsson k750i and the handy MacBook.

After some googling and in less than 10 minutes, I was able to set up a connection over bluetooth to the Internet and it’s impressive! While it’s not the fastest connection, the absolute convenience outweights any slowness. It’s just one more reason to love the trusty k750i. Here are a couple links to help any one else looking to do the same:

If you are using T-Mobile and it’s $5.99/month unlimited plan, just follow the readme instruction from the phone script zipped file and use “Sony Ericsson GPRS CID1” and you’ll be all set to go.

(first post via the bluetooth GPRS connection on my MacBook)

Sunday January 21, 2007

LINK An enjoyable interview
on food and music with the frontman of Franz Ferdinand.

LINK Spinning Around the Globe by Bicycle in 1884 (NPR)
“Thomas Stevens was the first person to ride a bicycle around the world. He left San Francisco in 1884 on a high-wheeler. Upon his return in 1887, he wrote a book.”

Thursday January 18, 2007

LINK Salaries and stats
of students coming out of Cornell’s Arts & Sciences school from year 2000-2004. Broken down by major, this gets interesting (but perhaps unsurprising, e.g. English majors are not paid nearly as well as those in engineering or finance related majors).

LINK Interview with Steve Jobs
from 1985.

Wednesday January 10, 2007
Thursday January 4, 2007
Wednesday January 3, 2007

LINK Going to the Mattresses (Slate)
“The secret to mattress shopping is that the product is basically a commodity. The mattress biz is 99-percent marketing. So just buy the cheapest thing you can stand and be done with it”

Tuesday January 2, 2007

LINK The Perfect Human
“Dean Karnazes ran 50 marathons in 50 days. He does 200 miles just for fun. He’ll race in 120-degree heat. 12 secrets to his success.”

Thursday December 21, 2006

LINK Dos and Don'ts for Entrepreneurs, from Those Who Have Actually Done It
A little article put together by the fine people over at Wharton.

Wednesday December 20, 2006


Just because the pigeons are white here, it still doesn't make good sense to play with them.





moganshan rd, down the street from the arts district



graffiti china style









Tuesday December 19, 2006


finishing touches at the cafe.


shattered pottery in concrete.



Remember to remember.


a scene from taikang rd


How to wear Fisherman's Pants.


a peek inside an office space in taikang area


international artists factory


directory at a small business building at taikang rd.


puppies for sale at a pedestrian underpass


birds-eye view of night time manhattan



Recording a video for the Harvest Widget...

Friday December 15, 2006

LINK precious dwelling
Modernistic pre-fab homes for the country-side. These look excellent for down the road…

LINK Surveillance Film Shows Police, Passengers Diving For Cover as Bullets in Sean Bell Shooting Hit Train Station
“The video from the Port Authority’s Jamaica Avenue Air Train station reveals that one of the bullets fired by the five cops at Sean Bell and his friends narrowly missed striking a civilian and two Port Authority patrolmen…”

Tuesday December 12, 2006

LINK A fun interview with Flickr co-founders Stewart and Caterina
“t was still dire straits. I think the only person getting paid was the guy who had three kids.”

Friday December 8, 2006

LINK The Harvest Time Tracking Widget - It's Really That Easy
Time Tracking OS X widget… fresh from the farm and it’s mighty tasty.

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