Monday June 18, 2007

hipsterland on Randalls Island

An indie-folk concert of sorts on the Southern tip of Randalls Island. This band was particularly fun to listen to and watch.

hipsterland on Randalls Island

get home safe

Located on somewhat of the rough side of town, Cafe Moto's menu encourages its patrons to take ride car service home if necessary. Worth the trip into Brooklyn via the JMZ for the good food and excellent atmosphere.

LINK Portraits of Dutch designers
and their studios.

Friday June 15, 2007

LINK iLike grows 300k/day using Facebook
Note to self, look into this Facebook platform hooplah.

Wednesday June 13, 2007

LINK A West Village apartment
that’s only 265-sqft. Occupied by a couple behind, it’s one impressive small pad.

Wednesday June 6, 2007
WATERCOOLER Re-thinking business in revenue per employee

The latest issue of Fortune magazine details the back-story of Nintendo’s success as a video game company. One thing worth noting is how impressively lean Nintendo is in headcount compared to the amount of revenue the company is able to bring in:

In short, Iwata has made Nintendo as efficient as a bullet train and as stingy as a bento box. The company’s 3,400 employees generated $8.26 billion in revenue last year, or $2.5 million each.

While exchange rates and fiscal calendars complicate comparisons to U.S. companies, let’s do it anyway. Over roughly the same time frame, Microsoft employees generated $624,000 each; Google’s performed 50 percent better, at $994,000, though still less than half as well as Nintendo employees. Nintendo’s profits reached almost $1.5 billion, or $442,000 per employee, last year, compared with Microsoft’s $177,000 and Google’s $288,000.

Related: Just how do those New York City businesses stay afloat with NYC commercial rent being the way they are? Find out just how much a pizzeria makes vs. a drug dealer in this very worthwhile read from New York Magazine.

Tuesday June 5, 2007

LINK The Profit Calculator
A New York magazine on how the businesses of New York City survive and rake it in. One of the most fascinating things I’ve read lately with a few surprises, like a 99cent store: "Annual Revenue: $30 million ($6.9 million is profit) for its three stores.

LINK Places to visit in Houston
next time I’m in town.

Sunday June 3, 2007

LINK Decisions, Decisions
A beautifully designed poster to help you make better decisions. Or not. [via kottke]

LINK Analysis of Casino Design
An interesting look at the architecture, technology, and psychology behind today’s casinos.

Friday June 1, 2007

LINK Iridesco Summer Sale
Some people do Spring cleaning, but we prefer Summer sales. After a few years in one space, you end up with a lot of stuff you don’t need. Some come buy some cool stuff from us.

Friday May 25, 2007

LINK What's for lunch, Iridesco?
A lunch map we’re working on for your downtown New York City enjoyment.

Thursday May 24, 2007

"A modern day musical set on the streets of Dublin. Featuring Glen Hansard from the Irish band "The Frames," the film tells the story of a street musician and a Czech immigrant during an eventful week as they write, rehearse and record songs that reveal t

Monday May 21, 2007

LINK Bikecar, a documentary
Four snowboarding friends ride a custom-built bike car around the Northwest as they hit some of the top mountains for the occasional snowboarding session. A very well done documentary for anyone who has an affinity towards bikes and snow.

Sunday May 20, 2007


at Crosby and Prince. ICFF event at The Apartment.

Closed due to temporary emergency

I thought it was odd that there was no line outside of Momofuku. Sadly, I had to get my ramen fix elsewhere.

Saturday May 19, 2007

10am, leave brooklyn to head uptown on the bike.

11am, urban bike race starts just south of the Bronx. review the clue sheet and cycling map before taking off for a scavenger hunt of sorts through manhattan.

3:30pm, finish the race and meet at a bar in the village.

7:00pm, watch movies about bikes at the bicycle film festival and take note of the crowd-surfing and beer-drinking movie audience.

It was a good day.

Friday May 18, 2007

LINK Momofuku Ko, The Full Reveal
"Noodle Bar as it exists right now is bursting at the seams. Not just with people waiting for a stool (sorry about the waits…) but with water, electricity, everything. We need to do 200 fewer covers a day for that place."

Thursday May 17, 2007

LINK A No-Frills Kitchen Still Cooks
"$200 can equip a basic kitchen that will be adequate for just about any task, and $300 can equip one quite well."

LINK Mixed Feelings
A great article about plasticity.

Tuesday May 15, 2007

LINK Derek Powazek – The Real Story of JPG Magazine
Derek, the co-founder of JPG Magazine and 8020 publishing, has left (or been edged out of) the company he’s started. Sadly, it’s a story of a partnership gone sour. A worthwhile read for any entrepreneur. (personally, I won’t be supporting the future endeavors of 8020)

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