Wednesday July 18, 2007

LINK Bishop Allen
These guys are playing the Seaport on Friday. Be there!

Tuesday July 17, 2007

LINK NJ indie-rockers The Wrens
perform 4 songs for the Live Performances program on KEXP.

LINK Jesus Toast iPhone
"Due to the potentially fragile nature of the Jesus Toast and the Jesus Toast iPHONE, iT will be delivered iN person… you can pay the air ticket and expenses for me and one companion to Las Vegas, or the Cayman iSLANDS."

Wednesday July 11, 2007

LINK A Letter to Optimus Prime From His GEICO Auto Insurance Agent.
A piece any ol’ Transformers fan can enjoy (and I don’t mean those who like the Hollywood fanfare that just came out).

LINK In This Case, It’s O.K. to Take a Bike That’s Not Yours
Will have to give this rent-a-bike operation a try next week and head to the E. Village for lunch!

LINK OK X: A Tribute to OK Computer
It’s been 10 years since Radiohead’s OK Computer has been released! Enjoy the album with a new twist from varioius artists.

Tuesday July 10, 2007

The Hobbit Cafe

A fine place for healthy eats in Houston.

LINK Dismemberment Plan videos
While perusing the web today, I remembered the Plan had played their reunion shows back in April. Tickets had sold out faster than you can say "Ice of Boston," but I thought watching some live footage from their last shows would be just what I needed.

LINK Raw Truths About Human Nature

Monday July 9, 2007

Sunday July 8, 2007

Domy books

An excellent little bookstore in Houston. I left with a couple new
books for the flight back.

Saturday July 7, 2007

LINK Live Earth
Today is 7/7/07, aka Live Earth day. Concerts are taking place right now across the world in an effort to raise awareness for the climate change crisis. Watch live streaming video from any of the Live Earth locations right now.

Friday July 6, 2007

Do these people make you crave ice cream?

Spotted in an Asian grocery in Houston.

LINK TED: Photosynth demo (video)
Holy crap visualization technology from Microsoft (what the?!).

Thursday July 5, 2007

- Wise words that apply to both cycling and business.

Shabby whole foods

LINK Web Development for iPhone
Official notes from Apple on developing web apps for the iPhone.

Monday July 2, 2007

I caved under the hype and stopped at the Apple Soho store after lunch to pick up the latest toy from Cupertino.

Complete activation (from registering for AT&T on iTunes to being able to make/receive phone calls) took only about 30 minutes. The process was seamless and I was able to transfer my number from T-Mobile without much trouble.

TIP: If your iPhone keeps saying “No Service” even after you’ve received the confirmation email regarding your service, turn it off (by holding the power button down for a few seconds) and turn it back on after 5 minutes. That did the trick for me.

So far it’s as badass as all the ads have made it out to be!

Friday June 29, 2007

A trailer for the next little movie from Pixar/Disney to be released in Summer 2008. Those guys sure keep themselves busy!

Wednesday June 27, 2007

LINK The Petri Project
The Robot Co-op started (for the third and perhaps best time) a companion blog to their 43Things family of sites.

Tuesday June 26, 2007

Summer Reading: The Pickup by Nadine Gordimer

These days, Cornell asks each freshmen to read a book over the summer before arriving on campus to promote discussions when they meet each other in person. The students are even required to do a short essay and attend a seminar during orientation week.

I recently signed up for the Cornell Alumni-Student Mentoring Program, so they sent me the book to read along with the incoming class and prep for mentoring in the fall. A nice surprise and a good idea.

A big box for 3 pens

A big box of pens arrived at our office today. Just 3 pens in a box that could've fit 200 pens. Shame on the Amazon partner that shipped this in such a ridiculously uneconomical fashion.

Wednesday June 20, 2007

Tuesday June 19, 2007

LINK São Paulo No Logo
Photographer Tony de Marco documents a new São Paulo—one with no advertising. The "Clean City" law was passed last year and the city has stripped itself of all advertising.

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