LINK The World’s Longest Diary »
”...for no less than four hours each day, Shields holes himself up in the small office in his home, turns on his stereo, and types.” The man has documented his life down to every five minutes for twenty years. How’s that for time tracking?
nightime at 11 Spring St.
LINK How to be creative »
A long essay by a guy who known for drawing on the back of business cards.
LINK Harvest Time Tracker Review »
Our Harvest product is reviewed over on the nextNY blog.
LINK The Making of a LEGO Brick »
LINK Deal Sweetners »
“America has one heck of a sweet tooth.”
LINK Picture China »
A photographic journey through contemporary China.
LINK NOTCOT.: If we don’t… »
Nicely executed ad campaign for nature preservation.
LINK Smalltown Brooklyn »
This site presents an interesting way to visualize and list businesses around Brooklyn neighbhorhoods.
LINK ‘The Corporation’ released on BitTorrent for free »
An excellent documentary now free for the masses.
Recently, I watched two films that intersected perfectly with my reverence for bikes and well-told stories. What makes these movies special is that I can watch them with non-cycling enthusiasts and we can collectively enjoy them regardless of bicycle interests.
In short, the protagonists in both movies badly need their bicycles for work, but heart-breaking drama unfold when the bikes and the characters’ livelihoods are taken from them.
Hardly really about bikes though, the films tell stories of human nature and emotional extremes.
Queue up The Bicycle Thief (Italian, 1948) or Beijing Bicycle (Chinese, 2001) in your Netflix if you haven’t enjoyed a thoughtful foreign movie lately. »
(200 comments)LINK Delivr »
Flickr-powered e-cards.
John Maeda’s Life Counter generates a visualization to answer the question: “How many more Springs am I likely to see in my lifetime?”
Here’s my refreshing look:
(3 comments)Looks like Weezer’s Brian Bell is cashing in on a deal with retail conglomerate Target to offload some cheap-o guitars.
(8362 comments)LINK listpic, new york city »
Browse craigslist by pics. Nicely executed to boot.
LINK Lasse Gjertsen plays the drums and the piano, sort of. »
Video sampling at its best. Wow.
LINK Prints Gone Wild »
Beautiful printed matter went up for sale in this Chinese auto warehouse in Brooklyn this past weekend. More events like these please.
Freya Stark, British Writer (a nice little quote I came across while reading an old issue of the Moonlight Chronicles.) »