Monday October 15, 2007

LINK The Billion Dollar Line of JavaScript
Being in the industry, we sometimes forget most people don’t use the Internet the way we do. As for Google and other big companies, they take a good look at what the least savvy Internet users (which is the majority) do and find ways to monetize big.

Sunday October 14, 2007

Blurry Raveonettes

Friday October 12, 2007

Probably doesn’t sound any good, but what a great idea.

LINK Sigur Ros: When Good Interviews Go Bad
People may think Sigur Ros are bad interviewees based on this clip, but I think they simply didn’t want to be there.

LINK What the F***?
A Harvard cognitive scientist explores the reason we curse.

Monday October 8, 2007

LINK Garden in Transit
So this is why we see all those taxicabs around town with flowers painted on them.

Sunday October 7, 2007

Sigur Ros and their movie, Heima, will make you a better person.

Saturday October 6, 2007

LINK Wants for sale
is superbly clever. "One 20-something couple is painting each thing they want, and selling the painting for the exact price of the item they’re hankering for."

Friday October 5, 2007

Thursday October 4, 2007

LINK These chairs
would look good at the Iridesco Library…

Wednesday October 3, 2007
WATERCOOLER Parkour with David Belle on Sunday

David Belle, often credited as the founder of parkour, will be discussing and demonstrating the sport at the Javits Plaza (11th Ave between 35th & 36th Streets) at 1PM on Sunday as part of the New Yorker Festival.

Tuesday October 2, 2007

LINK The Persuaders
Frontline covers the world of today’s marketers and advertisers.

Sunday September 30, 2007

Iridesco through the years

While doing some house cleaning, I came across our old business cards. Here they are side-by-side next to our latest.

Elephant under stress

An elephant in the tractor trailer awaits transportation.

LINK Meet & Eat: Yen & Michi
Our friends and lunchmates, Front Studio, once again gets some well-deserved press—this time from Serious Eats.

Thursday September 27, 2007

LINK Hotel Chevalier
A 13-minute short released in part to promote Wes Anderson’s latest, The Darjeeling Limited, now available for free on iTunes.

Wednesday September 26, 2007

LINK Pixelmator
A new, beautiful image editor for the Mac. Just wish it could do a few more things with the layers so I can drop Photoshop for it.

Tuesday September 25, 2007

Night clock

Somewhere in mid-town Manhattan.

LINK Unplug your chargers when not in use
and other tidbits in this animation from HunterGatherer.

Sunday September 23, 2007

A Brooklyn Evening

At the Yard.

LINK Simplicity patterns at TED
A really great talk by John Maeda at this year’s TED conference.

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