LINK Plays off Broadway »
list of active off broadway plays in NYC.
LINK Parkour »
I’m fascinated by this term. “Parkour is said to be l’art du déplacement, or the art of moving (from A to B), consisting of uninterrupted forward motion over, under, around and through obstacles (both man-made and natural) in one’s environment.”
LINK Early Retirement »
“Retirement forces you to stop thinking that it is your job that holds you back. For most people the depressing truth is that they aren’t that organized, disciplined, or motivated.”
LINK Guardian Unlimited Technology | Technology | 'I want to build something that grows' »
interview with Josh from
LINK Urban Dare »
adventure race in NYC, May 14
Bank of America gets a bit too odd and personal as I set up my SiteKey account. SiteKey, for those unaware, is a new security protocol BoA has adopted to authenticate the online banking customers.
First, there is the notion of being “challenged” with a picture for which you have to type in a label for. These pictures ranges from cats to chairs to other miscellaney. It’s a good idea to lessen the amount of vital information like account number or even account names passing through the wires, but the pictures make the system appear more comical (and this is a bank I’m talking about here!) rather than user-friendly or secure.
The stranger part is when it asks you to set up challenge questions and answers. The questions are preset, and they get pretty personal. Take for example, the set of questions I’ve captured above. It aims to digs deep into our memory, and perhaps inadvertendly awaken some emotions as we go about our business of managing our money. Somehow it made sense to Bank of America designers to interlace the thought of that first girlfriend, or that honeymoon as appropriate information for my account access. The clear line separating business and pleasure have been further blurred by our own financial institutions. »
a bit on much on the cultural bend, but fun.
LINK Intentionally Designed »
presentation from sean johnson
LINK Critical Mass bicyclists prevail in permit case »
it’s a start
LINK Environmental Working Group || »
pesticides in produce report
LINK - Organic products, when buying organic pays (and doesn't) 2/06 »
LINK September 11th memories »
9/11 stories from my former co-workers.
LINK Why Do You Work So Hard? »
“Is it maybe time to quit your safe job and follow your path and infuriate the establishment?”