Friday October 28, 2005

LINK Good Smell Perplexes New Yorkers - New York Times
it’s good to see others were as perpelexed as i was last night in lower manhattan

Tuesday October 25, 2005

LINK Cassette Jam '05
i am nostalgic for those maxwell mixtapes…

Monday October 24, 2005

crowd control with extra signage

LINK Alarm clocks are bad
a system interesting enough to try

Sunday October 23, 2005

lateral tree

Yvon Chouinard

Yvon Chouinard (founder of Patagonia) lectures about sustainability, the environment, and business at Columbia University.

Thursday October 20, 2005

LINK Good sleep, good learning, good life
knowledge to supplement my current sleep experiment

Monday October 17, 2005

LINK The Hidden Cost of Documentaries - New York Times
“Total music clearance costs for “Mad Hot Ballroom,” which featured songs of Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee, came to $170,000; total costs over all were about $500,000.”

Saturday October 15, 2005
Friday October 14, 2005
WATERCOOLER Things witnessed on a Friday night drive

Whoever said nothing ever happens in New Jersey would be wrong tonight:

  1. Route 1 & 9 by the Holland tunnel was so flooded, they had to close it off, causing massive traffic.
  2. A Ford Explorer burned instensively on the side of the Garden State Parkway as two firetrucks tended to the fire. The heat from the fire was intense enough to reach me (three lanes away) as I passed it. All this while the rain continued to pour on Jersey, for the fifth day in a row.
  3. Drunk/depressed adolescent walked along the middle of a dark street as he narrowly escaped collision with various cars at 1 AM. Cops show up and takes him to safety (or jail).

LINK One-Fifth of Human Genes Have Been Patented, Study Reveals
more disturbing news on the trend of patenting life

LINK - How We Remember, and Why We Forget - Page 1

LINK Esquire Magazine: My Outsourced Life
“I’m just guessing, but I bet her call was routed from Bangalore to New Jersey and then back to a Cingular employee in Bangalore, which makes me happy for some reason.”

Monday October 10, 2005
WATERCOOLER All’s Quiet on the Iridesco Front


Or is it? We’ve been working away the last couple of weeks on an idea which we hope many Internet users will find useful. The idea revolves around content–YOUR content to be more specific. Yes, you with the blog. Yes, you with the social bookmarking. Yes, you with the Flickr account. And the many more faces of you.

We are on schedule to quietly release this free service in the next few days. We will have news and more info on all of this real soon!

LINK Kareem Mayan's Weblog: customer experience, emerging technology, media, and more - Web 2.0: Conversation with Five Teenagers

LINK Shanghai, a Far East Feast - New York Times
good eats for me in dec.

Saturday October 8, 2005

LINK BioMotionLab1.7
animation on how different people in different physical and emotion states walk.

Thursday October 6, 2005

LINK Seeing Creation and Evolution in Grand Canyon - New York Times
Two rafting trips. One led by a creationist, the other by an evolutionist. An amazing divide.

LINK Bryant Park Forecast: Ice in October - New York Times
NYC gets a free ice skating rink for the winter.

Tuesday October 4, 2005
Monday October 3, 2005
Friday September 30, 2005

LINK Locomotive

LINK How-to airfare guide
even points out the best seats available on a given plane

LINK Nikon SLR History
i like my FM2

LINK AIGA Design Conference 2005 - Resources
slides and audio from the conference

LINK A cognitive analysis of tagging

Thursday September 29, 2005