LINK Fun and Easy How to Guide to Binding Your Own Paperback Books At Home...FAST »
LINK YouTube - South Park - Scientology Episode »
the complete controversial episode is now on youtube
LINK Ruby Cheatsheet »
not for general consumption
LINK Gawker Stalker »
fantastic use of technology or just plain scary?
... is everywhere these days.
our friends over at Propeller recently put up a slick ol' sign.
LINK snubster - beta »
not friendster. this profile gives a good example of what it’s all about.
LINK A Recording Engineer's Guide to the Secrets of iTunes and iPod »
20 years ago today, my family and I boarded a plane and left my birth country of Taiwan for America. We arrived on a Saturday and I was in school by Monday. I didn’t speak a word of English then, and I never knew about the homework assignments. While my brother and sister churned away at their workload on top of the challenges of a new language, I simply shrugged my shoulders and told my mom there was no homework.
Now those were simple times! »
LINK Under 30, on the Cutting Edge »
a new list by business week.
LINK south by southwest festivals + conferences »
next year, we’ll go.
LINK Subversion Primer for Rails projects »
LINK Alive and Well in Silicon Alley - New York Times »
one noteably missing company from this article was of course, Iridesco, Inc.
LINK Joel on Software - Camels and Rubber Duckies »
Joel talks about the mysterious art of pricing your software.
LINK From the Googleplex »
videos from talks at google
LINK Get Human database »
next time you need to call a support line, check this directory for numbers and steps to get right to a human operator.
LINK HARVEST - Simple time tracking, powerful reporting. »
Next up from Iridesco, a simple time tracking and reporting tool for small businesses.
LINK Dr. Contextlove or: “How I stopped worrying and learned to love iCal” | 43 Folders »
incorporating iCal into GTD
Since starting our design and technology studio over three years ago, we’ve been in search of a good way to track the time we spend at work. We needed to answer questions like: How many hours have we spent on this project this month? How’s our utilization? What kind of tasks are we working on overall? What’s our breakdown in design vs. technology work? These questions were easy enough to answer in the beginning, but we got involved with more people and projects, it became increasingly less hard to tell. Excel was a mediocre solution at best. It was unable to scale efficiently as we merged project hours contributed by several team members.
We looked into several time tracking applications out there, but none of them suited us. Some were too expensive, charging exorbinant monthly fees or expensive one time purchasing fees. Others looked sorely out of date or just poorly designed. And yet, most were more complicated and bloated than we wanted to deal with.
After a long unfruitful search for a solution, we went down the road of designing our own. We wanted it to be web-based so that things like being on a Mac or a PC, at home or at a client site–none of that mattered. With nothing to install, you simply log in from any computer with a modern browser and an Internet connection.
Next, we wanted to stay truely minimal in defining our core feature set. We just need an easy way for everyone to report their time, and let us have an easy way to review the time and look at our overall studio time from a flexible perspective.
In time, our simple time tracking app, Harvest, was born and we’ve been happily using it internally for the last couple months. What is most rewarding is being able to see with renewed clarity and ease just where our time and efforts are going. With the information at hand, it has been helping us plan our workload more efficiently.
As we continue to refine Harvest, we’re getting it ready for use by other small business owners like us. Any freelancer, small business or small team can now get set up with a simple, and powerful time tracking solution in less than two minutes. In just a few days, any one can take Harvest for a free, no-hassle test drive. If you’d like us to notify you when we have things ready, sign up over at
Time is money.
Update: We’re officially live. Go give it a try!
»LINK 'Born Slippy was a greyhound we bet on' »
“Every song has a story behind it. Every songwriter has their own way of working. We asked 12 artists, from a legendary lyricist to a freelance hit-making team, how they created one of their classic tracks “
LINK Metrobilly »
free up space on your mac HD
LINK Benjamin Franklin »
”... at the age of 20, while on an 80-day ocean voyage from London back to Philadelphia, he developed a “Plan” for regulating his future conduct”
LINK Gothamist: The Notorious MSG, Original Chinatown Bad Boys »
“In 1993, we all left the ghettos of Asia to come to New York City’s Chinatown. We came here with a dream. And that dream is to blow-out people’s asses with our hot n’ spicy music.”
LINK MIT World » : Video Index »
lots of videos from various talks