Monday April 14, 2008
WATERCOOLER The Young Man's Business Model

Excerpt from The Young Man’s Business Model

I have plenty of opinions about business models, but to me, the best business model is one that makes your customer money. I didn’t say “saves” them money – big difference. Also, its better yet if that customer is a business. You need less businesses as customers to be successful than if you had individuals as customers. A common sweet-spot is BtoBtoC. Supply to businesses that supply to consumers (and of course, make them money).

LINK Monocle: design notes
Thoughts from the designer on the strategy and decisions made with

Sunday April 13, 2008
Saturday April 12, 2008

museum day

At the Bklyn Museum.

Friday April 11, 2008

books I couldn't resist

Couldn't resist picking up these books I came across recently.

Thursday April 10, 2008

We discussed troubled bees at work today and I was reminded of this New Yorker article.
Tuesday April 8, 2008


Dessert from Japan brought to us by our friends at Front Studio. Note the illustrations on the lid (with one minor exception) match the box's contents.

LINK Eric Cartman: America's Favorite Little $@#&*%
Eric Cartman on NPR!

LINK The RPM Challenge
note to self, participate in this next year.

Monday April 7, 2008

Twitter + Harvest = Convenient!

Starting tomorrow, Twitter users have a new way to interact with their Harvest account.

LINK Reunited ("Where Is My Mind")
A Pixies documentary from the new

Sunday April 6, 2008

LINK Our Confusing Economy, Explained
A truly excellent explanation of what has set up the current economic conditions in the U.S.

Friday April 4, 2008

Leeya Greetings

My friend Danny and his wife launched a little greeting card company focused on food and beverages.

Lunch beers

Beers over lunch, appropriate for a Friday.

A japanese indie-rock muxtape!

Wednesday April 2, 2008

Dental visit

If you have to visit a dentist, might as well visit one with a view.

LINK Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Sculptures

Tuesday April 1, 2008

LINK Radiohead / Remix/ Nude
A brilliant idea; part community, part fun, and all marketing.

Monday March 31, 2008

A muxtape parody.

Wednesday March 26, 2008

LINK Mark Cuban's Rules for Startups
"NEVER EVER EVER buy swag"...

Sunday March 23, 2008


Cost of mailing the economic stimulus plan notices by the IRS? $42M.


Friday March 21, 2008

Lunch at 30

Lunch with friends to celebrate the arrival of Spring, and my birthday. A good day day in NYC.

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